What is a Midwife?
A Midwife is a trained healthcare professional that provides care to pregnant women. The midwife is recognized as a responsible and accountable professional who works in partnership with women to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, to conduct births on the midwife’s own responsibility and to provide care for the newborn and the infant.
This care includes preventative measures, the promotion of normal birth, the detection of complications in mother and child, the accessing of medical care or other appropriate assistance and the carrying out of emergency measures.
The midwife has an important task in health counselling and education, not only for the woman, but also within the family and the community. This work should involve antenatal education and preparation for parenthood and may extend to women’s health, sexual or reproductive health and child care.
A midwife may practice in any setting including the home, community, hospitals, clinics or health units.
* From the International Confederation of Midwives website*
Cuddles & Grace: Midwifery Services
My love story for midwifery began when I first witnessed new life enter the world as a student nurse. When my eyes were filled with tears of joy for someone that I had just met and my heart melted when the baby gave its first breath and cried unapologetically. I smiled when the father fell onto his knees and kissed his newborn son for the first time on the forehead. I joined the mother when she exhaled in relief when the most severe abdominal pain she had ever experienced came to an end. I felt extremely honoured to share in this joy and be the first to say “Congratulations mom and dad!”