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About Us

Pregnant Woman and Partner

Cuddles & Grace Services

Being pregnant can feel overwhelming at times with so much conflicting information out there. As a midwife I believe our bodies were created to birth and breastfeed our babies. I love being on this exciting journey with parents: whether it's teaching an antenatal class, helping a new mom overcome some breastfeeding obstacles or being there throughout the pregnancy and assisting a woman to have a natural birth. We serve the Blouberg and surrounding areas in Cape Town.

My midwifery style is gentle, kind and woman-centred. I believe that pregnancy and birth are natural physiological events but combine supporting this beautiful process with safe evidence based practices and only intervening when medically necessary. 

Cuddles & Grace: Midwifery Services include:

- Antenatal Classes

- Antenatal consultations

- Homebirths

- Breastfeeding consultations

- Baby massage classes

- Doterra essential oil sales

Have Questions?

We understand this can all be overwhelming so we offer free online session where you can meet the midwife & ask all your questions about labour, birth and the next steps. 

Our Story

I am Stephni Coetzee the owner and founder of Cuddles and Grace. I'm a Registered Nurse, Certified Sensitive midwife, Certified Lactation Consultant and Certified Infant Massage Instructor . 


My love story for midwifery began when I first witnessed new life enter the world as a student nurse. When my eyes were filled with tears of joy for someone that I had just met and my heart melted when the baby gave its first breath and cried unapologetically. I smiled when the father fell onto his knees and kissed his newborn son for the first time on the forehead. I joined the mother when she exhaled in relief when the most severe abdominal pain she had ever experienced came to an end. I felt extremely honoured to share in this joy and be the first to say “Congratulations mom and dad!”


I graduated from the University of Pretoria with a Bachelors degree in Nursing with community nursing, psychiatric nursing and midwifery. I worked at Rahima Moosa Mother and child hospital for two years, learning and growing a a midwife. I was thereafter introduced to the concept of a private midwife at Genesis maternity clinic where I could truly live out my passion by facilitating physiological birth to low risk women.That opened a beautiful new world for me of waterbirths, birthing indifferent positions, using essential oils and other unmedicated pain relief methods and empowering women to let their bodies guide them.

I've been a midwife for almost 8 years now and I love being a support structure and a care provider during the pregnancy, labour, birth and the first few weeks of adjustment as a parent. I am always amazed at how strong women really are. How we sometimes underestimate ourselves in a moment of pain or vulnerability. It’s amazing to see how women grow during these times and realize not only their own strength, but also that of their creator. How this bond between us and God strengthens as we learn to depend on Him in difficult situations. How He guides us and helps us to become the strong women of Christ that we didn’t realize we already were. Pregnancy and birth is God’s ultimate way of strengthening the bond He has with women.

Meet The Team


Tsholofelo Jabulile

I previously had a c section 6 years ago and gave birth to my 4,2 kg handsome boy naturally in my home on the 18th of January 2021 with the help of Stephni who gave me courage and support when I thought it was no going to be possible.I had an amazing experience with the best care during pregnancy, labour and still having the best post natal care. I get goosebumps when thinking about it😊. May God continue blessing her..🙏😘
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